Eric Woods has lived in the Northland all his life. From growing up in Excelsior Springs and leading youth voter registration drives to serving as Student Body President at the University of Missouri, Eric has always been passionate about emboldening those around him to take action in their communities.
He has supported and been involved with multiple non-profit organizations. He currently serves on the City of Gladstone’s Environmental Management Advisory Committee, as well as the council for the University of Missouri Extension in Clay County. He believes in being active in his community wherever he can, and that meaningful change starts from the bottom up.
All of Eric’s life, he’s fought for the little guy. He’s stood toe-to-toe with election officials who tried to brazenly suppress the rights of young people to vote. He’s united students and defended their rights by working with university and government officials. He’s seen how laws and regulations impact real people and businesses and knows how to play the game to best benefit those who need it the most.
Because at the end of the day he comes home on the same roads, watches the same news, shops at the same stores, pays the same taxes, and has the same concerns as the rest of the people of the Northland.
Taxes should be fairer. Schools should be better funded. Wages should be higher. Government should work for you.
And citizens should be able trust the person that they send to fight for them.
He believes the current Legislature in Jefferson City doesn’t represent our values: Northland values.
And he’s here to change that.